Healthy Pregnancy n Babies

Thursday 2 June 2011

Pregnancy Tips for New Parents

Congratulations on being expectant, in this article, we will look at pregnancy advice for single mums.  These tips will consist of dos every first time mum should embrace to have a blissful time during the pregnancy period.

For many expectant women, pregnancy is the best thing since sliced bread.  It is an amazing wonderful time in their life. During the nine months of pregnancy,  a new mum’s life seems to be changing around her. At this time, there are habits she will have to alter and adopt new ones.

An expectant woman will have to actually change her way of life to accommodate  the  requirements and demands that come with being expectant. Not only does the physic change but also emotionally.It is of high importance at this time for a pregnant woman to take care of herself and her unborn baby.

Let us look at tips on pregnancy tips to  guide you have a safe pregnancy.

Pregnancy Advice: Dos  during pregnancy

If there a time in a woman’s life that she is bombarded with advice is during pregnancy. all over sudden  all mothers knows more than you who is pregnant. Some of this advice is relevant while some of it is neither here nor there. Before you implement any of the suggestions  have a chat with your doctor.

Below is advice on the dos of pregnancy

  • Prepare a pregnancy diet taking into account all the nutrients your body and the developing baby will require
  • Attend your prenatal clinics often
  • Should the doctor prescribe you medication take them regularly
  • Keep away from stressful situations at home and at work
  • Drink water regularly to keep your body from dehydration during pregnancy
  • Rest frequently
  • Eat food  high in irons, calcium and folic acid. They will promote  your baby’s growth and support  the changes your body is going through
  • To avoid constipation, eat food with high fiber to help in promoting digestion, such as fresh fruits, green vegetables and whole grain meals.
  • Have an exercise routine. Remember as you start on this routine, consult with your doctor for advice on which exercises do at each stage of the pregnancy.
  • Keep clean, maintain high standards of hygiene, to keep infections at bay
  • Always dress warmly, do not expose your body to extreme temperatures
  • Dress in comfortable maternity wear and shoes
  • Reduce use of cosmetics and beauty products
  • Sleep well every night

I hope these tips will go a long way in helping you have pleasurable time while you are pregnant. Enjoy this journey to motherhood as you look forward to delivering a healthy and beautiful baby.

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